Beyond The Face: Serenityy Mag Interview w/Kia Iman

Beyond The Face: Serenityy Mag Interview w/Kia Iman

Today’s creative feature highlights the multifaceted Kia Iman. As a model, you are often thought of as a 'pretty face' and not much else. In todays society, women are challenging the old stereotypes and are not being restrained in their careers to only one avenue of creativity. Kia talks about her struggles with confidence and how she decided to make the world look beyond the face and see the depths she carries in all of her creative talents.

Q:Thank you for taking time out to speak with me today. For the readers,let's do a quick introduction: who are you, where are you from and what do you do ?    

    A: My name is Kia and I am a model, author  and content creator, based in Tennessee,  whose platform is all about tapping into your personal power, motivating others to go after their deepest desires/goals in life and putting emphasis on highlighting one's differences instead of trying to fit in to better live their most authentic life. 

    photographed by Reggie Alexander (@childishart)



    Through modeling, writing, editing, and starting my own business, I transform my pain into power through bringing creative ideas and visions to life.  


    Q: How did you know that this was the path for you?

    A: I knew this was the path for me when I realized this path scared me the most. There was a time I couldn't even speak in front of six people without shaking. So I started my venture to become a model, to force myself to get over my fear of being in the spotlight, so it no longer held control over me. Honestly, it had nothing to do with becoming a model, that was never my intention. I just wanted to feel comfortable in my own skin, and I knew modeling would challenge me. This was the path my inner child NEEDED the most. I knew this was the path for me when it challenged me to become the person my inner child always needed me to be.


    Q:How long did it take you to perfect your craft and become so confident in it to be able to share it with the world?

    photographed by Autumn Dozier (@autumn.dozier)

    A: I still haven't perfected my crafts. I truly believe even if you think you're at your best, there is so much to learn and ways to continue to grow. It took me almost 6 years to become more comfortable with fully showing who I am. Through modeling I gained the confidence to share, not only my modeling, but ALL my talents and gifts. It was such a HUGE stepping stone in all the creative endeavors to come.

    For the longest time I was actually very hesitant about incorporating my personal life and beliefs into my brand. As I continued to really try to understand myself more, and grew to love the person I am, I realized my differences, and key beliefs were essential to connecting more with an audience that was truly in alignment with me and that could find value in my work  

    Q:Who are some of your biggest inspirations and some of your best resources   for being able to guide people in spirituality?         

    I’d say some of my biggest inspirations are Eva Gutowski, my father, and my mother. I've watched every single one of them start with a thought and dream, and make their dreams a reality. They are the ones who made me truly believe if you want something bad enough and work hard to get it, you WILL manifest that reality for yourself. They are the reason I think everything I’m working for is possible.


    My go to resources for being able to guide people in spirituality would be Teal Swan, Ralph Smart, Les Brown, Tony Robbins, Hindsight, and a ton more. I make sure to feature all of these amazing guides on my site, Souled Out club. With Souled Out, my goal is to have a platform filled with spiritual resources, tools, and insight to help others make their journey a lot easier when it can already be so confusing and overwhelming.                      


    Q:If you had to start all over again what would you do differently… Or would you even change anything at all?

    A:If I had the chance to start all over again, I wouldn't change a thing. All the hardships and struggles included. I deeply believe nothing I've accomplished now would have been as fulfilling if I didn't have to move mountains to obtain it. If anything, the only thing I would change is believing in my abilities a lot sooner. I would have incorporated my other skills and talents from the jump. For years I only showcased my modeling but never displayed that I could edit videos and pictures, design and develop websites, that I was a writer, that I knew how to invest and trade stocks, play guitar, play piano, and so much more until I got frustrated with others constantly just labeling me as a model as if it were the only good thing about me, when I knew I was so much more than that. It felt like my ability to dress up and pose was all people knew of me. I eventually realized it had NOTHING to do with others and everything to do with how I viewed myself. It’s not really anyone’s fault for misjudging me, it’s mine. I didn’t give people a chance to really get to know ME. I had to find the value in what I can do before others saw it too. I think that’s why everything played out the way it did and why I wouldn't change a thing.


    We are inspired and grateful for Kia and other women who use their talents and gifts to further uplift and guide each other to their purpose and peace of mind. Below we have the links to engage in the Souled Out Club, a platform created by Kia that gives you access to 300+ videos and series exploring yoga, guided meditations, etc. and also 200+ journaling prompts.  Be sure to grab your Souled Out Workbook and utilize the 65+ shadow work journaling prompts provided to dive deeper into oneself and grow in your healing journey! 

    The Souled Out Club:

    The Souled Out Shadow Workbook:


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